Other Information

Our Teach Your Monster to Read Page:

Click on the link above to be taken straight to our class login page. Students simply log in using their own names (all lower-case). 

Parent Help:

Parents are more than welcome to express their interest in helping in the class.  There are many different ways you can help (some of which can be done from home).  If you have pre-schoolers you might like to arrange with another parent of the class to do alternative weeks of helping and child minding.  

It is always helpful to know of parents that are happy to do the odd jobs, alternatively you can check the ‘Helping Hands’ box where there will be quick jobs you could do at the start or end of the school day.

School Newsletter:

Click the link to check out the latest school newsletter here! LINK


  • Reading (Every night)
  • Spelling (Mon to Fri)

Your child has a Homework book that holds the activities they need to complete each week.  Children will receive a new ‘school based’ reading book Mon-Fri.  In addition to this you can expect to have them read to you books chosen from their book box. These will be books they have read in the past with their teacher. They are also encouraged to read other material such as library books, poems, recipes, magazines etc

Please support your child in completing their homework.

Star Toy:

Our class Star is Antonio (a toy Gorilla).  You will get the chance to meet him sometime during the school year.  He likes to come to your place and have little adventures which your child will take photos of and then write about.  He comes with his very own camera and box of belongings so keep an eye out for him and take good care of him when he comes to stay :)